"What a Drag!" featuring the "Queens of Las Vegas"
Alex Serpa - Celebrity Female Impersonator & Drag Queen Entertainer
Alex Serpa, Amy Winehouse impersonatorAlex Serpa, Cher impersonatorAlex Serpa, Barbra Streisand impersonatorAlex Serpa, Celebrity Female Impersonator & Drag Queen Entertainer
As a cast member with outrageous impersonations of Cher, Celine Dion, Amy Winehouse, Barbra Streisand and Reba McEntire, Alex Serpa can be seen every Friday and Saturday in the "What a Drag!" show.

Alex Serpa may be contacted at
email: Alex@AlexSerpa.com
website: www.AlexSerpa.com
MySpace: www.myspace.com/VegasCher
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/AlexSerpa

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